Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Community Naming and Type faces

Our naming for our entire system branched off of ideas and buzz words based on recruitment and grouping:

Lure - trying to attract members, draw them in.

Hooked - capturing an essence or membership within the fishing community.

Chum - giving incentive for others to come in and become a member.

Shoal - a group of  fish who stick to gether for strictly social purposes.

School - a group who swim in the same direction.

Fishy Business - a pun on the seriousness of our communities subject matter.

These were our serious lists that related directly to our subject matter and essence of the fishing community in a relative naming convention.

Jessica has taken care of our color choices that relate directly to a bold "sportsman" look, and some are more tertiary and lean towards the leisure aspect and a calming feeling of fishing; but all have a different take on a natural and organic wildlife/outdoors palette and tone.

So far we are considering mostly san serif of slabbed serif to reenforce the sportman and athletic feel for fishing, and it could also compliment the soft palette of some of our color choices.

Our Start for typeface considerations:

fette egyptienne
trade gothic
sf new republic


Monday, September 27, 2010

Solutions List by Hierarchy: Fishing Community

Blue Indicates Keepers 
Red Indicates Throw Back (or secondary)

*Needs and solutions, as well as features of each application listed below titles.


1.    How will I know if there are any fish around?
- sonar
- xray

2.    How can I brag?
- camera
- exaggeration photo filter
( sub category) What kind of fish did I catch?
- inspector
- fish shazzam

3.    How can I find someone to fish with?
- ping
- foursquare
- poke
- messaging
4.    How will I know if I'm safe?
- safety inspector
- non-social fisherman around (ping/foursquare)


1.    Where should I fish?
- maps
- user comments - color coated upon rollover by category
- map options based on preferences, user suggestions, type of fish
- map-it feature uploaded to mobile device
- user hot spot shout-out/blast

2.    Trophy Room
- the wall
- vote/eperience points
- comments by users
3.    How do I find the right Fishing equipment?
- profile suggestion (user generated suggestions based on your experience level)
- location, brand, type of equipment
- craigslist/community tackle box (user shared or sold)

4.    How will I know if there will be fish around?
- lunar charts
- feeding times
- migration patterns
- fishing season
- tide charts
- depth charts

Community Presentation:

Fishing Community Presentation

Presentation Revised2                                                            

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Revised Poster from Presentation

Mostly the tightening up was a matter of combing the text to find grammar hiccups.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Brain Storming and Reference sources/ideas


1. An activity book to hand out to kids that lets them color in things, draw photos, finish sentences, ect. This booklet will include goals, dreams, planners.
2. Reading exchange plan. Kids will be given a book with a pocket attached to the back of the book that has a paper of some sort in it. The paper can be a place for the kid to leve a note, message, picture in the book for the next kid who reads it to find and perhaps create a bond.
3. Traveling book club/ afterschool program. This would be where once a week a different location will hold the program. Will be a place for kids to go and read or interact with other kids. Perhaps a school bus will offer travel to the location each week.
4. Kids can create their own book, story all together, these will then be exchanged to each other to let kids read each others story.
5. Book bag as a keepsake incentive with in-going/out-going pockets. This book bag could possibly have a map with locations of library hubs within the community,
6. Social Networking Library Cards, YMCA card for libraries, affiliated with the 39th Street Crew. These cards will list book preferences, which library hub you are from, etc.
7. Book Club, common book distributed and discussed once a week at different locations.
8. Rosedale Mobius system, where kids can request books and once a week these books will be found by other libraries and transported/distributed to specific library hubs for pickup.
9. Designing a book drive to get donation for new materials. From country clubs, to bookstores, to local residents, we will try to create a city wide book drive so that rosedale children can have new material.
10. Have an essay contest of "why do you love to read" partner with organizations such as No Child Left Behind, to I Love To Read Literary programs. The winners and judges will process and publish.
11. Find a really important developmental book and write to the publishers as a tax-write-off to donate a number of editions to rosedale.
12. Public Domain books, can be published so much cheaper and easier through publishers and stores like barnes and nobles.

    Rachel - Rainbow Mennonite Church
    Jane - Rosedale Congregational Church
    Amy - Dykes Library (librarian)
    School kids in general
    Principals from elementary schools.
    Peggy - Kstate Research and Extension

    Libraries (not just in Rosedale)
    Web comparison  systems and studies.

    What type of programs do you currently have in place?
    What types of materials and services do they provide?
    What seems to work?
    What are your thoughts on why these kids aren't reading?
        - accessibility (location, transportation)
        - substitutes (tv, internet, other activities)
        - motivation
    What do you see a lack of?
    What much traffic do you currently have with your materials/programs?
    Who else do you think will help, benefit, or be excited about this?

    Youth friends organization
    DIane Richardson -
    Megan - Phoenix Family Public Housing kids programs
    Rosedale ridge apartment developmental/after school program
    Quiet Time with kids
    Swope Reading Program
    Rosedale Congregational Church - Small Library
    Rainbow Mennonite Church - small Library
    RDA - open room for activities
    T.A. Edison elementary - library
    Frank Rushton - Library
    Rosedale Middle School - Library
    Boys Entrepreneurial Program
    Kansas City wide bookclub

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Problem Statement Research: HKI

For Johnna and I, we researched a handful of similar case studies and literacy related reference material for our given topic on the Rosedale community issue. We have found several educational websites that support our thesis on reading being an essential developmental tool for a child's character and creativity.

Also our own Kansas School board and public education system websites give demographic and statistical reference to the current academic state that the Rosedale cluster schools are in.


Reading is Fundamental

Indigo Love of Reading Foundation

Life Literacy Canada

Kansas Public Schools

Dykes Library

Rosedale Problem Statement Presentation: Reading as Character Building

Rosedale Problem Presentation                                                            

Wireframe overview

This is just a general idea of how our wireframes work. This section shows the direct compatibility and connection from online user generated fishing spot locations and downloading that info to your mobil device to find your way there.

Most of our wireframes work in this similar fashion, however we are still fluching them out.

Presentation to date

Here is the final proposed individual poster and community diagram. We stuck to our guns and tightened up our ripple effect of a diagram representing the radiating influence of the individual to the community and the funneling influence of the community to the individual. The final poster for the individual was a matter of tightening up formal structure and typos, we have consolidated our content and tried to give as much visual reference/hierarchy to each individual element and topic within the fishing individual, by giving each its own unique section.

Individual Poster

Community Model

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Web is Dead: Reading Response

The web is dead made our transmedia world a little more easily understandable for me. Its true that our daily routines and what we love have been so easily accessible, from listening to music on pandora and then taking your music with you wherever you go on your ipod, on the ground or at 30,000 feet in the air, the screen really is coming to us and we are no longer going to it. I never realized how outrageous our cellphone, website subscription, and cable bills really are; we are paying for essential functions in our everyday routine that use to be free to our culture. With apps replacing browsers, and with tweetdeck organizing our twitter feeds, we are in a constant need of accommodation and making our laziness even lazier. But I also thought about progress, can it really be labeled as desensitizing, uncultured, or lazy when we are actually eliminating frustrating steps, creating more enhancing interactive experiences and creating our own web sub-culture?

With real dollars turning into paypal digital pennies and cd's turning into exchangeable mp3 files, there is an internet and technology company dominated market which acts as a consumer monopoly for the user seeking convenience. As stated in web is dead "this is the natural path of industrialization: invention, propagation, adoption and control. Accommodation and convenience is clearly the goal to an easy life and what we strive for even if it costs us more in the end. We pay for convenience which financially fuels technology to keep expanding to an incredible state of oligopoly, ipad apps replace 30 different steps and avenues, yet its so expandable and interchangeable by our human nature of openness. I still don't know why I paid 99 cents, not $1.29 for a song on itunes other than logging onto limewire to get the same song for free. Convenience = happiness, and happiness = accommodation, and that service of accommodation = $, and that money fuels engines and tools to create convenience.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wireframes 02

Here is a sneak peak at some icons I made for our revised wire-frames, they are still under construction.

Individual Poster Round 03

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rough Draft of Problem Statement and Suggested Name List

Design Systems: Problem Statement and Brand Names:

Problem statement:

For this center for the performing arts, the intent of the visual identity is to communicate a sense of genuine and authentic live performance with a bold, elegant, spirited essence. We are reaching our guests of academics, art enthusiasts, and connoiseurs of all ages and areas through our tone of voice. The identity will be presented in a tone of sophistication, warmth, inviting, and authoritative, but not condescending. We are selling an artistic experience, so enrichment should be a key visual element throughout the visual system. Our identity should encompass and address the needs of the three main areas of music, dance, and theater, but a festive or a shared harmonious spirit should be the prominent component.


Athena Theater - goddess of love and
Minerva - goddess of education, arts, sciences.
The Tribute - a gift, testimonial, compliment, or the like, given as due or in 
    acknowledgment of gratitude or esteem.
Bravo - applause, admiration
The Apex - tip, peak, pinnacle
Pinnacle - top achievement 
The Vigor - energetic
Moxie - skill, courage, energy
Allegro - fast and quick
The Aria - self contained harmony
Vivace - lively and fast
Vivo - lively and alive
Presto - fast, alive
Metre - meter, time, education reference
The Laurel - triumph, honor, greek/ roman reference
Gusto - hearty, lively
Rostrum - raised stage, primary level
The Proscenium, the opening or picture frame to the stage
Oleo - revealing, rolling up the curtain
Muse - greek goddesses of inspiration
Masque - Renaissance form of entertainment that grew from the education of    
The Manhattan - where broadway dance, music, and theater started in america.
The Majestic -
Prosody - educational linguistics stressing rhythm, emotional state
The Pulse -
Tactus - specific tone, beat, or rhythm
Live -

Monday, September 13, 2010

Revised list of Offline needs and Online solutions

Offline Needs and Online Solutions:

I need to find somewhere to fish?

- Geo tagging: When out in your boat fishing, using your iphone or cell phone, can take photos with your camera and upload directly to the hub where it is geographically pinpointed and documented. By user tagging, you can find fishing spots that are convenient to your home, work, commercial businesses, or rural parks.

I need to know the right equipment for my day of fishing?

- You can log on to the online hub and search through a catalog of fishing equipment based on your skill level, type of fishing (freshwater and saltwater), price range, and retail provider (location or brand).

What kind of fish is that?

- Using our aquatic x-ray application, you can hover your iphone/ipad over the waters surface and the application will detect the proximity of the fish.

- By using the fish shazzam feature, taking a photo of your catch will identify the species, measure its size for bragging rights and wildlife regulations, and connect to our hub catalog to find the species profile (where they live, depth charts, etc.).

Where can I buy some fishing gear?

- A hub map that gives a hierarchy list of retailers based upon user generated feed back/voting/rating (like-button) dictated by popularity, selection, type of fishing, and location nearest you. This hub feature acts as a flagging system that takes your profile information such as location, type of fishing, and expertise and gives you a predetermined list of options.

What type of bait should I use?

- You can do a search on your mobile device or hub of what type of fishing you will be doing: salt/fresh water, specific type of fish, geographic location, etc and a generator will supply you with a list of options for your specific inquiries; and will list them hierarchically due to user feed back and hints on which bait works best.

How do I know if there will be any fish where and when i go fishing?

- While planning your trip, from your hub profile you can click a flagging button "gone fishing" which will notify other users you are not at your hub, but more importantly, we will calculate the date/time and location you are planning to fish and inform you with message alerts of whether the fish are in season or migration. From user generated postings of their catch, they can geo tag what type of fish they caught and where to let you know your odds of catching fish in your elected time and location.

Are there any legalities or regulations to go fishing?

- On your hub, through a direct link, you can register yourself to be a licensed fisherman. Your profile will copy and reroute all your information to the department of wildlife/parks and recreation to submit an application for a license. Your mobil device will automatically upload a digital fishing license for you to always have on hand while away from your hub. We will also send you calendar warnings if it is getting close to your license expiration date.

How can I gloat and share my catches?

- As soon as you catch a winner, you can take a photo with your mobile device and your catch will be identified/documented with information of your catches weight, size, species, where it was caught and user comments of how much of a struggle this catch was. This will be uploaded to your "trophy room" on your hub (rss feed), where you can view your catches and other users can comment and share thoughts and link to their similar catches.

- You will gain experience points based on your catches and difficulty of the hunt. These points will be added to your profile and link you with other fisherman with those expertise levels.

Are there any fishing contests?

- Based on your expertise level and location, you will receive email and web blasts about fishing competitions in your local community or fun scavenger hunt games of fishing provided by our own website. Other members can also post competitions to our blog forum.

If I want to fish with someone, how can I go about doing that?

- Based on your profile information, our hub acts as a sort-of dating service match-maker. We will find compatible fishing buddies based on your: location, skill level, type of fishing, boat vs. dock. At any time, you can log on and activate a "want to fish with someone button" that will apply a flag to your profile and alert our servers to start compiling a list of fishing buddy candidates.

- You can also add friends and message/socialize with them by your self to make compatibilities.

How do I know where its safe or okay to fish?

- Based on where you are fishing, your mobile device will pinpoint your location and notify you of weather charts and elemental forecasts that could be potentially hazardous. Also when photo or video/geotagging spots your tag will upload to our servers and search for identical safety hazards that previous users have posted, and will alert you. Also based on the internal self-balancing system within your mobile device, we will calculate tide and depth charts of where you are for your benefit of well being.

- Also you can download onto your mobile device or hub profile, our general safety guide to fishing to check whenever you have doubts. This guide includes live feed weather forecasts and fishing techniques that will prevent any harm to you or your fishing buddy.

How will I know if there is an open area for fishing?

-If your already in a fishing spot, your mobile device will give you an alert letting you know if a certain area in "hot" with fish or if there is an expert close to you if you are a novice, just in case you need help.

-Before leaving to go out, jumping onto the hub will give you information of where there are plenty of others fishing and where hot spots are by providing pin point tags in the area. This is also where you can get your mobile device synced for the alert system before you go out.

How do I get information on times and weather?

- While planning your trip, from your hub profile, it will list all the areas of fishing near by and provide the times for you if needed, this information will also provide direct areas for certain fishing by sorting them for you. For the weather it will show an icon symbolizing what is going on at that time.

How do I cook/clean a fish?

-If your out camping during your fishing trip and away from a computer, your mobil device will be able to upload a video for cooking situations.

-Your mobile device and hub will be able to get a great recipe based off of what you uploaded to your gloat page.

What happens if I get bored out fishing? What do I do?

- With your mobile device, you can log in to your profile, in which you already have gone fishing as your notifier and there you can click on gone fishing to connect with others out fishing and get into a community chat room or if you know someone out use quick talk (personal chat room).

What happens if I can't afford bait?

-Using the hub, you will have the ability to find some user input and based on the user input, you can rate how you feel it helped you.

-Another way to find other ways to getting bait, you can use your hub profile and put out a share/trade ad in which it will be broadcasted to people close by to you.

-If you didn't want to make an ad then by clicking on share/trade will break down by miles, experience level, reliability level, on which person will be the right person to share/trade bait.

-If you are already out fishing, using the alert system in your mobile device will locate people that are in your area to let them know you need to share bait.

What happens if I don't have a smart phone and need other means?

-With your mobile device, if you text in the number given by the hub, it put your phone number in the system and give you the most important features like alerts to you by text message.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Brand Brief Presentation & Brand Schematic : FNL

Brand Schematic

Brand Presentation
Barta Brand Brief PDF                                                            

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Offline Need and Online Solutions: Fishing Community

With nature surrounding you, either sitting on a dock or rocking on a boat, the relaxing pastime or sport embodies a down-to-earth and intimate sense of recreation. A fisherman who needs to find equipment, place to fish, and knowledge of fishing has no clue of where to proceed. Maybe someone can help, online buddy or information guides that can tell a user specific locations and what type of fish are stocked, if the season is right, and which bait is appropriate for that type of fishing.

online solutions

geo tagging
interactive maps
photo upload locator
lat./long. location
user ranking system

based on location

chat rooms
tags to experts

underwater feature
fish shazzam
size regulation
recipes for that fish
eco. dictionary
identify bait to area
live feed
environment indicator
depth chart

flagging system
like-button (rate system)
search by proximity
user referred by fishing type

app. that will relate bait to fish
bait catalog

indicator of motion of migration to show where certain fish are
geo tagging

digital form to always have on and instead of looking through papers
have the regulation information on-the-go to pull up when needed
live regulation expert assistance

photo gallery
feature on page
user voting
online trophy room and similar catch finder
rss feed

user viral post and relative to location and fish
email blast
feature on page

purpose type
tools(boat vs. dock)
personal ad for fishing
four square
add friends
bump app

previous accidents
precautions guide
weather meter
projected on sail
sonar warning
underwater feature

video tutorials
live blast for user help
rating system

alert system that gives a list of experts in the area
open spots
weather info
location of user and help requested

graphs/stats to show change in where they are
migrating trackers
water and boat xray

upload cost
craigslist with other users
suggested catalog

following parks and areas
seasonal chart
park times
weather indicator(forecast)

recipes on certain fish
user generated and bump app recipe card
tools needed

community chat room
build a fish game
organize your digital tackle box

how to make your own(video)
user suggestions

statistic charts
sonar reporter
overlap of areas and proximity

point in shoot laser that measure directly from Iphone
photo recognition and scale

NO IPHONE UPDATE: subscribe to website/updates

Individual Poster Round 02

Monday, September 6, 2010

Individual Poster: Round 01

Fishing Community (Individual)


Persona Image:

Persona Text:
    A) Russell Haynes is a 20 year old college student, studying wildlife.
Kansas City, Kansas
Works as a shipping clerk for UPS
Lives with his family of 4
He is very active in outdoor activities and is very familiar with fresh water fishing.

    B) Chris Barta- is a 50 year old Human Resources Director
Denver, Colorado
He lives in the suburban middle-upper class community.
Married with two kids, one in college, and another working.
Earns just around the five-to-six figure mark
This nomadic businessman is no stranger to the salt and freshwater fishing communities.

Needs  for community interaction - Desires & Values:
A release or escape from the 9-5 workday
Pride in competition.
Good physical exercise
Maintaining nutritional health
Providing food for the family.
Educating others, and learn from others.
Love interacting with nature.

Needs for successful activity involvement:

Tools: Fishing pole, net, tackle box, hooks, floaters, weights, bait, lure floating vessel... Fishing License, location permission, a map, motivation.

Emotional Safety:
For Russel the competitive nature gives him a sense of achievement an values this integration into fishing camaraderie with others in the community.

Chris grew up fishing as an occupation for his grandfathers seafood restaurant, the nostalgic outlet of fishing is more of an emotional sense of memorabilia and security.

The therapeutic release

Sharing this traditional pastime

Having healthy competition

Belonging & Identification:
 From shared symbols and motives, Russel and Chris find themselves in a generation gap and teach each other about new fishing technologies and equipment, traditional techniques on netting and bait, talking about specific fishing hot spots, and leaving with an accomplished stench of fish and water.

Hats for sun protection, shorts or water proof fishing apparel, hooks or lures in hats, keychains, or vehicle, fishing poles leaning against car or house, sun burned/tan, callused hands from fishing lines and hooks, smell like water or fish, fishing vocabulary.

Environmental: location, weather, accessibility, maintenance, season.
Legalities: wildlife regulations, seasons, behavior, license.
Emotional: motivation, health, stress, sport, nature.
Social/Communal: respect, revenue, knowledge, tenure/seniority, sport, hobby.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Revised Community Model

Based upon feed back of clarity, hierarchy, and readability. We have modified our diagram to have an appropriate structure of the community funneling down to the individual and the individual radiating out the community, all with the motivations and values being the source for membership in at the beginning.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Brand Organization Schematic: Diagram

Based on a pie chart styled diagram, this infograph represents the equal parts of my organization; but it is still in progress.

Friday, September 3, 2010

VA: Problem identification

Motivation and Mental Health.


Wendy and Heidi mentioned that one of the largest problems affecting the children in the Rosedale community is that they don't dream. I think one of the roots to this problem is that there isn't a healthy enough of an environment to 'create creativity.' With no libraries, home economics classes, or shop classes in schools or the community in general, there is the lack of education and lack of the presence of options for these kids; there mental health.

I think libraries and books provide children with a safe haven to foster individual though, imagination, and character development. They provide an outlet to find themselves and what they are passionate about, libraries to me and others were and are a vast menu of confidence and individuality within a larger community. The problem identified is lack of identity and creativity, whether libraries or literature in general, educate creativity, sports, nutrition, etc.

Audience & Research Areas:

The Audience will target most elementary school children.

I think areas or audiences to start researching this specific problem can be found in educational facilities of all sorts:

Schools = teachers: direct education.
Churches = community, a place to congregate and that educates on faith and values.
Farmers markets = community: a place where there is an exchange of products, services, etc.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

VA: Problem Finding

Problem Finding:

1. Communication:
    There is definitely a disconnect in communication within the Rosedale community. From Getting peoples attention to the literal language barrier of different dialects and roots from different cultures and derivation.

- need a unified propaganda message
-eliminate multiple messages within the community
-create a common goal to end the disconnect and have and make community commitments

a) One issue brought up was communicating to community members, most of the time cell phone numbers are changed due to the affordability of prepaid cellphones and the convenience it provides. But those numbers have a communication shelf life that is very slim. Flyers aren't looked at or are trashed, people move without notice, and half of the community are med students who don't participate in the neighborhood culture that they live in.
The problem/solution seems to be attention, awareness, and retention. All members either aren't motivated by the messages to help the community, or don't even have the accessibility to these communication channels. The retention rate and awareness needs to be improved; for if you want to help the community in specific ways, you need to make sure that you can communicate and reach all of them first.

b) Language barriers, with an estimate of about 10 different languages spoken throughout the community, people aren't comprehending the typical english messages. Having this mindset, there is a loss of motivation to participate in community events and activities such as: farmers markets - they don't know which foods are local or in season, town meetings - can't understand what the issues are or read the flyers that go around saying what time and where, etc.

2. Motivation:
    Without a dream, purpose or aspirations, kids don't have a motivation to make anything of themselves or participate/committ to their community. We need to give the children an outlet, confidence, and build an environment where they can dream.

3. Recreation:

    Eating healthy is one thing, but participating in group activities give kids a sense of community, confidence, and physical health. The urban jungle/wildlife environment is in dire need of a remodel and structure. Providing a well maintained, safe, and inviting environment to be creative and active is   something that this community can benefit from.

- Your Space, creating plots for an outlet.
- Putting organics/wildlife in the urban community.
- No library, no education and instructional involvement.
- Safety, physical safety of individuals.
- Accessibility, one of the most important aspects, creates convenience and    physical outlets to reaching well-being and the rest of the community.