Sunday, January 23, 2011

Degree Project Creative Brief: Healthy Hearts

Creative Brief & Project Proposal

This document provides a clear description of the project. It out-lines your objectives and message, audience, and assumptions for  the project, and articulates the creative concept you intend to use moving forward into in-depth research and project development. Your Creative Brief will be presented at the end of this term, and must be approved before proceeding with your Degree Project.
                    Designer Micah Barta            
Project Proposal (subject to approval)
A narrative overview [about two pages long] that describes and contextualize your project. This should include a statement of your primary and, if applicable,  secondary messages, your social objectives, your intended audience, and creative strategies for reaching that audience.

It all starts with heart, you can’t get passionate or create motivation without it. It runs our circulatory system, which pumps blood throughout our body so that we can be active and alive. We place our hands over it when showing respect to our nations’ anthem. It keeps our rhythm and timing in music, sports, and dance. It’s shape is an iconic representation of affection shown towards New York and the rest of the world.
    I am proposing a customizable healthy heart campaign that caters towards the individual. In our nations current state of extreme obesity and cardiac problems, a healthy heart is very important to keep. The market is flooded with products that can profit from healthy heart awareness like food products such as Cheerio's and their "lowering cholesterol" campaign, to sell cereal. Live Strong is constantly promoting the Nike brand through their commercials and web advertisements... the list goes on. With the majority of the market providing healthy heart information through monetary profitable products, the range of heart-maintenance options that don't require the purchase of products, really lacks and gets diluted from the commercial realm. Individuals aren't exposed to the emotional effects that benefit the human heart, something free of purchase, something good for your mind and body, something you've been doing all along.
    The social objective of this campaign is to let individuals know how to be self-reliant on ways to create and maintain a healthy heart. Creating healthy hearts through happy lifestyles and through the mass-promotion of the critical information that mental and emotional elements can effect and inform your physical heart just as much as nutrition and exercise can. This is the primary message of the campaign, the emotional affecting the physical. A subset or secondary message to this would be that you can achieve a healthy heart through happiness, activities that you typically do without realizing it.
    Do you like playing music, does is make you happy? Then play more often... when your mental attitude is happy and positive, the body releases less stress hormones that feed into the blood stream and prevent red & white bloodcells, and platelets from traveling and providing functional nutrients to your entire body, through your heart. Also, music keeps rhythm of a song and sincs with your hearts body rhythm of pumping blood. Healthy heart rhythm keeps the heart consistent and builds up an immunity from irregular flow patterns that could effect the health of your heart and circulation system. This is just one out of many examples of what you can do, doing what you love, in your daily routine that can strengthen your heart... just do more of it!
    But who is this intended to reach? Although this message is beneficial to everyone, healthy heart information has many different avenues to go down and acts as a medical receptivity gradient; there is a need to start early for youths to condition their hearts for a long and happy life. From a young age to an elder who already has a timely heart condition and needs to know what additional activities can compliment his or her nutritional diet and physical exercise routine. Being a catered program to specific individuals, the audience strategy will follow by specifically targeting critical age groups and have an aesthetically different message for each crucial age in an individuals progressive life timeline. Age can also be considered by lifestyle and occupation, businessmen need to control their high blood pressure differently from a young high school athlete who has a premature case of business stress on a competitive level. This campaign is catered to everyone on some level, but will be funneled and focused through age and lifestyle categorization techniques.
    Being catered to different individuals, context has a lot of importance to broadcast this message. Commercial and motion graphic pieces have the ability to be played on specific channels and websites, where environmental graphics have a less formal target and hopes to hit anyone. Although promoting a campaign about intangible emotional effects, an intangible product like a commercial might not be as effective. I think the media needs to make emotional information interactive and tactile, a way where individuals can share the emotional activity that makes their hearts healthy; a way to broadcast the thousands of ways that a healthy heart can be made and maintained, from real, and credible users.
    Its hard to convince someone of what is right for their own well-being, gaining their trust from an instant flash of a typographic composition or a graphically engaging image. The key to this campaign is presenting the information thats not condescending and with enough credibility to convince the audience that this mental/emotionally informed heart campaign is a viable avenue to maintain their cardiac health and live a long and happy life. Giving them the authorship to take the lead and create their own healthy heart program by asking each individual "what makes your heart beat?"

Social Objectives
Use this section to list the social objectives or goals for the project.

1. Creating and bettering healthier hearts and lifestyles through emotional means, for any individual.

2. Spreading informative knowledge that improves and furthers the healthy activities that already exist in every individuals daily routines.

3. Create an alternative source (giving individuals more accommodating and convenient options) for cardio health besides nutrition and exercise.

Messages (primary & secondary)
Simply put, what do you want to say to your audience? A message can, and usually does, have more than one dimension, especially in addressing a complex issue. In this section, clearly and completely define your primary and, if applicable, secondary messages.

Emotional and mental activity can help maintain a healthy heart just as much as physical and nutritional activity can.

Do you like playing music, does is make you happy? Then play more often, when your mental attitude is happy and positive, the body releases less stress hormones that feed into the blood stream and prevent red & white bloodcells, and platelets from traveling and providing functional nutrients to your entire body, through your heart. Also, music keeps rhythm of a song and sincs with your hearts body rhythm of pumping blood. Healthy heart rhythm keeps the heart consistent and builds up an immunity to irregular flow patterns that could effect the health of your heart and circulation system. This is just one out of many examples of what you can do, doing what you love, in your daily routine that can strengthen your heart... Just Do More of It!!!
Use this section to describe your audiences (primary and secondary) for this project or product. (who needs to hear your message?) Include any information that you have about your audience. Be as complete and specific as possible.

Option #1:
I think I'm going to target 3-5 different audiences for this project. Provide an awareness campaign that caterers to 3-5 critical age groups. Catering different messages to different age groups based on their specific needs to create and maintain a healthy heart gives hope and motivation to know that you can still have a healthy heart, no matter what stage you are at in your hearts life.
a) Children ages 9-13 is a detrimental age for being exposed to obesity and emotionally critical that begins a consistent release of stress hormones that continue to block the blood stream and contributes to the obesity rate.
b) Teens age 14-19 have a socially and emotionally hard time through high school and peer pressure, the high blood pressure is a crippling activity that gives your heart its health reputation throughout your lifespan. High blood pressure results from the tightening of very small arteries called arterioles. Arterioles regulate the blood flow through the body. As these arterioles tighten (or constrict), the heart has to work harder to pump blood through the smaller space, and the pressure inside the vessels grows.
c) Tests and statistic get vague until the 35+ age range, so most cardiologist typically tell everyone in this 20 – 35 age range the staples of exercise, eat right, and be happy. So this age group will tailor messages in a lighter tone.
d)  35 – 55+ men and women are usually already within an unsettling stage of a permanently crippled heart, although you can re-strengthen it, the initial damage is their so the delicacy of heart treatment from here on out is strictly maintaining happy activities and a positive lifestyle in addition to your exercise and dieting.

Option #2
Tailoring specific heart problem to specific lifestyles: athletes and emotional effects that compliment their physical strengths, businessmen who's stress level needs to be lowered, etc.

Option #3
specifically catering to one ages group and foster the needs for male, and female who have different hereditary needs for their cardiac system.
Communication Strategies
Use this section to pose and answer strategic questions designed to set the parameters of your Design project. You may wish to speculate on appropriate media.

1. How can designed incentive programs help facilitate healthy hearts?
2. Will a wide broadcasted motion/video piece hit my target more than a tangible keepsake?
3. How can informational signage, motivate action, instead of the typical response of a "huh, never thought of that, oh well, thats cool."
4. Will interactive design encourage more participation than tangible pamphlets that are the standard information channel?
5. What media channel will convince people that there are other ways to be healthy besides physically.
6. Will more gorilla tactics of designing artifacts that incorporate with their everyday routine be more effective? Coasters, bumper stickers, etc.
Competitive Landscape
Use this section to list some examples of competitive products, what they are doing, and how they can inform your design process. What has been done previously, and what is currently being addressed? This section is intended to help you contextualize your intended project.

1. Nutritional campaigns like dietary: Atkins, Wieghtloss, etc teaching you to strictly eat healthy to strengthen your heart and fight obesity.
2. Food Products: Coke Zero, Cheerios, etc that lowers cholesterol and lightens the dietary load that your heart has to struggle through to pump blood properly.
3. American Heart Association: they had a similar campaign about 5 years back that informed people to physically strengthen their hearts through everyday activities such as "if you park farter away from the entrance to a store in its' parking lot, you will get that much more exercise."
4. Livestrong Army provides a cardio tracking system for exercise and nutritional intake. Incentive program and organizational system that keeps your health on schedule in an institutional way.
5. Bluecross/Shield provides local incentive programs like documenting your physical exercise and eating habits to receive gift cards to retail stores.
6. Yoga programs provide a mind and body connection of physical health.
7. Jonathan Barnbrooks - UK medical heart information commercial campaign.

These are many campaigns that I've seen addressing the physical activities or nutritional eating activities that inform the physical heart effects. This research informs me that there is little-to-no information on how the emotional informs and effects the physical heart. I have also noticed that food products and supporting informational campaigns for those products have worked well. Statistical informational campaigns have succeeded and failed due to tone of voice. The Livestrong Army and Bluecross have provided incentive programs of giftcards and material benefits, but lack the emotional benefits and physical beneficial information.
Use this section to list all of the resources that will inform your initial research. You will add more as you progress.

Live Strong - Keeping the mind and body strong to maintain a healthy heart.

American Heart Association - effects, conditions, and emotional. stress connections

Doctor Oz - emotional support and how the heart works.

Heart Healthy Living - reversing depression as a heart risk.

Cardiologist - General Heart Risk Information

KUMED - Angina and emotional effects of getting oxygen to the heart.

WebMD - Psychiatric Heart Effects

WebMD - Yoga Benefits

Family Doctor - Mind and Body connection informs your health

Yoga for Dummies - Yoga Mind & Body Affects

Health and Yoga - Meditation effects the Heart

Stedmans Medical Dictionary - How the Heart Works Knowledge

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