Monday, February 8, 2010

Typographic Experiment (More 01)

After my first round of typographic experimentation, I've realized that working with strictly block-like geometrical forms to create 3D/2D letters was a good starting point to work out the skeleton of different letter forms. I've tried these few letters at different angles to see how many messages can be read from the diverse range of perspectives and distances. This experiment brought up a few more questions for me:
What could the practical application of this be? What if the actual theory of experiment reflected the message? (after all Jonathan Barnbrook said "a word is not the object it represents.") How can a flattened 2D silhouette of that letterform create greater legibility or confusion? How many other ways? What if one perspective can produce 2 messages?

Here are some screen grabs of my in-class progress.

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