Thursday, February 4, 2010

Monday In-Class Project

Here is my production of what my experimental typographic project will be. I am trying to improve the readability, awareness and retention of environmental/typographic signage through creating letter-forms or a typeface that can be viewed and legible from multiple angles within your environment. I have created a 3-D photographic collage of my typographic studies that are separated into 3 current categories:

1) 3D illusions that are legible from the most practical angle, which ends in a 2D receptive solution.
2) 2D illusions that pretend to be a 3D representation that heightens a multiple perspective read.
3) 2D graphics that are applied to ground surfaces for more specific directional purposes.

It is a collection of posters, highway signage, ground applications to highways, retail graphics, typographic wall paintings, translucent glass applications, and 3D objects to created 2D illusions.

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